Plaster for knees. All about taping for pain in 2023

The sports patch is used to relieve pain and other symptoms of diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. The tape is used both separately and in combination with other agents prescribed by a specialist for etiotropic or symptomatic therapy. Kinesio tapes are used as so-called therapeutic patches. These are special elastic tapes that are glued in the form of an applique to problem areas in the area of ​​the knee joints.

What effect does kinesio tape have?

When worn, the patch works effectively in several directions. Kinesio tape has a physical effect: it lifts the skin, which normalizes natural processes in the interstitial microspace: blood circulation improves at the site of inflammation, the outflow of lymphatic fluid is normalized, which removes toxins and, in general, with normal functioning, has a beneficial effect on the state of the body’s immune system. As a result of using knee patches, pain in the affected area becomes less intense, and the process of tissue restoration is faster.

What effect does kinesio tape have?

  • pain reduction;
  • elimination of edema;
  • increased muscle tone;
  • resorption of hematomas;
  • relieving spasms;
  • improvement of motor functions;
  • relieving muscle tension.

In what cases are tapes applied?

Taping of the knee joints is a technique that is successfully used for various sports injuries, ligament damage, and in the treatment of joint diseases. When running, while playing tennis, football, during strength training and any other active activities that are associated with a high risk of injury, knee patches are used for preventive purposes. Professional athletes are recommended to use kinesio tapes to prevent muscle and ligament strains. Older people experience knee pain due to muscle strain, which occurs due to increased stress or excess weight.

The main causes of knee pain

  • Meniscal damage

This is one of the most common injuries. Each knee has two C-shaped pieces of cartilage that act as a shock absorber between the tibia and the thigh. These are the menisci. A torn meniscus causes pain, swelling and stiffness. You may also experience difficulty moving your knee, and pain when you fully extend your knee. Any activity that causes you to bend or rotate your knee too much, especially during times of increased stress, can cause meniscus damage.

  • Bruises

A bruise is the result of a direct blow that can occur during a fall, accident or sporting event. In complex cases, bruises lead to poor circulation and other disturbances in the damaged area, which causes swelling. For minor injuries, ice, rest, and pain patches will help. In difficult cases, it is better to consult a doctor.

  • Sprains

Four major ligaments in the knee connect the femur to the tibia. The anterior cruciate is the most commonly injured part. A sprain can occur during a sudden twisting movement when the feet are pointing to one side and the knees are turning to the other. Skiing, basketball, and football are sports with a high risk of injury. The posterior cruciate ligament and others are most often damaged during an impact.

  • Ligament rupture

Ligaments are bands of tough, elastic connective tissue that surround a joint to provide support and limit movement. In cases where the ligaments are damaged, the knee joint may become unstable. The damage is most often caused by a domestic or sports injury. A torn ligament severely limits the movement of the knee, affecting quality of life.

The main diseases for which anesthetic patch is used

  • Osteoarthritis;
  • Tendinitis;
  • Bursitis;
  • Meniscopathies;
  • Arthritis;
  • Osteochondropathies;

Benefits of using tapes for pain and other problems

Unlike pain-relieving pepper patches, which irritate skin receptors, kinesio tapes have a gentle effect and are considered safe. The adhesive layer, which is in contact with the surface of the skin, does not contain drugs and, owing to the acrylic base, does not cause allergic reactions and holds well at any intensity of movement for a long time. The average wearing period is from 3 days. There are also no anti-inflammatory non-steroidal components, which often cause various side effects, in the composition of tapes. A standard sports patch consists of cotton fibers, to which a small percentage of nylon is added for elasticity and with a hypoallergenic adhesive base.

Complete wearing comfort is an added benefit. The use of an orthopedic sports patch does not cause discomfort. Elastic kinesio tape, which has the same stretchability as human skin, does not give a feeling of tightness or other unpleasant consequences. The need for hygiene procedures is also not an obstacle to sticking an anesthetic patch on your knees. Elastic tapes are resistant to moisture and, when the application is glued according to all the rules, stay securely on the skin even after taking a shower and during active outdoor sports in adverse weather conditions.


How to properly apply kinesio tape

The first thing to do is prepare the skin. Remove, as far as possible, all contaminants (residues of medicinal ointments and other products). The application area must be dry and clean. You can degrease the area where the patch is applied and remove hair to ensure a more reliable fixation of the tape. Next, determine the required size of the elastic band and cut the necessary part.

It is recommended to round off the sharp corners at the edges of the cut so that when moving or putting on clothes in this place, the tape does not come off due to accidental contact. Before gluing, simply pull out the paper backing provided to protect the adhesive layer and fix the edge of the tape to the skin. Then simply stick the sports patch to the knee joint area, avoiding the appearance of folds. At the beginning and at the end of gluing, the tape is glued without tension. For better fixation, the tape must be lightly rubbed along its entire length to strengthen the properties of the adhesive base.

What techniques for gluing kinesio tapes are used for pain?

Muscular Used to normalize muscle tone after overexertion or injury. The effect of using the application in this case is aimed at relieving pain at rest and during movement.
Ligamentous Used after excessive stress on the tendon-ligament apparatus to relieve pain and speed up recovery processes
Lymphatic Relevant for circulatory and lymph flow disorders caused by injuries and bruises.
Correctional It is assumed that the application is glued with a certain degree of tension to ensure fixation of the damaged joint.

Schemes for gluing sports patches in medical institutions or for home treatment are selected individually. The best option before gluing the application yourself is to contact a specialist. If this is not possible, watch training videos and instructions. For serious injuries, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary diagnosis to accurately determine the cause of the pain, and exclude fractures or other injuries that require therapy or special treatment conditions. See below for an example of knee taping for pain.

If the tape is applied incorrectly, not only will there be no positive effect from the application, but the problem may worsen, which will lead to complications.

If the tape is applied incorrectly, not only will there be no positive effect from the application, but the problem may worsen, which will lead to complications.

Contraindications for knee taping

  • Deep wounds;
  • Severe swelling;
  • Tendency to form blood clots;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Diabetic foot;
  • Kidney problems;
  • Heart failure.
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    Plaster for knees. All about taping for pain in 2023