Fat burning with kinesio tapes

Burning fat is a complex process and it depends on many factors. Diet and exercise do not always produce the expected results. Weight, especially in the abdomen, hips and other problem areas, comes off slowly. After losing extra pounds, skin often looks loose and unattractive. Let’s see how lymphatic drainage applications help, what they are and why this method of accelerating fat burning is considered one of the most effective, simple and convenient ones.

Fat in the human body

The main source of energy in the body are lipids. This is fat that is found in fat cells – adipocytes, in the form of triglycerides. These are esters that consist of glycerol fatty acids – stearic, oleic or palmitic. Enzymes contained in fat cells hydrolyze triglycerides to form fatty acids, and glycerol to support natural physiological processes. The main reservoir of fat in the body is subcutaneous fat. A certain amount of fat is also found between the muscles, between the intestines and in other places. One of the functions of these fatty deposits is to act as a soft, elastic cushion between various organs. Adipose tissue, partly made up of fat cells, also acts as a fuel reserve and helps maintain body heat.

Fat storage in adipocytes is a process that is influenced by many factors. The number of these cells, consisting of adipose tissue, increases up to a certain age and especially during the first year of life. For an adult, the fat mass consists of several billion fat cells – about 35-40. Over the course of a lifetime, their size may change, and a reduction in their number is only possible through the process of liposuction, an operation to remove fat deposits. Certain circumstances can provoke the proliferation of adipocytes. This usually occurs during puberty and adulthood: during pregnancy or with excessive weight gain. Excess fat deposits cause adipocytes to begin to multiply – each cell is divided into 2.

Main sources of fat

Fat storage in adipocytes is a process that is influenced by many factors. The number of these cells, consisting of adipose tissue, increases up to a certain age and especially during the first year of life. For an adult, the fat mass consists of several billion fat cells – about 35-40. Over the course of a lifetime, their size may change, and a reduction in their number is only possible through the process of liposuction, an operation to remove fat deposits. Certain circumstances can provoke the proliferation of adipocytes. This usually occurs during puberty and adulthood: during pregnancy or with excessive weight gain. Excess fat deposits cause adipocytes to begin to multiply – each cell is divided into 2.

Fighting excess fat deposits

Excess body fat negatively affects your appearance, weakens the immune system and leads to many problems. As a result of an increase in fat volume, all systems and organs suffer, venous outflow is disrupted, and the risk of developing cardiovascular and other diseases increases. The appearance of an “orange peel” is also the result of local hypertrophy of adipocytes. Against this background, the fight against excess fat becomes the key to an attractive appearance, well-being, health and mood.

How does the fat burning process work?

The metabolic process of breaking down fat into glycerol and fatty acids is called lipolysis. As a result of breakdown, the accumulated fat resources are used by cells to produce energy. By-products of fat metabolism are eliminated from the body in the form of carbon dioxide through the lungs when exhaling, through the sweat glands, and through the kidneys when urinating.


How to make fat burning more effective

Effective fat burning lies in optimizing the lipolysis process. This can be done in several ways and to achieve better results it is necessary to act in a comprehensive manner.

How to optimize the lipolysis process:

  • Intense training;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes.

Why are lymphatic drainage applications needed?

The lymphatic system plays a key role in metabolic processes, cleansing body tissues and cells from harmful substances. This is the space of the internal environment of the body, which is formed from intercellular fluid. The higher your metabolism, the more fat your body burns in a given amount of time. Lymphatic drainage stimulates the transport of biological fluid throughout the body. The lymphatic channel increases its capacity, which speeds up metabolism and helps avoid weight gain. As a result of stimulation of the metabolic processes, a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous fat is observed, the skin becomes more elastic and tightened.

Why are lymphatic drainage applications needed?

The lymphatic system plays a key role in metabolic processes, cleansing body tissues and cells from harmful substances. This is the space of the internal environment of the body, which is formed from intercellular fluid. The higher your metabolism, the more fat your body burns in a given amount of time. Lymphatic drainage stimulates the transport of biological fluid throughout the body. The lymphatic channel increases its capacity, which speeds up metabolism and helps avoid weight gain. As a result of stimulation of the metabolic processes, a decrease in the volume of subcutaneous fat is observed, the skin becomes more elastic and tightened.

How do tapes work in the fat burning process?

Lymphatic drainage applications stimulate the drainage of subcutaneous fluid: they activate lymph flow, blood flow and metabolic processes due to physiological effects. The tape, pasted in the problem area, slightly lifts the skin, which helps stimulate microcirculation, lipolytic effects, and reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat tissue. Regenerative processes in the epidermis and dermis are normalized, which helps improve the overall appearance of the skin.

In what area can tapes be applied?

Stimulating the fat burning process with the help of tapes is possible in any problem area – stomach, arms, buttocks, thighs and other areas. Due to their good stretchability, tapes glued to the skin are comfortable to wear. The adhesive layer, created on the basis of an acrylic layer, is hypoallergenic and provides reliable fixation of the lymphatic drainage application. You can wear tapes for several days – the tapes are invisible under clothing, do not come off during active sports, and can withstand water procedures. You can go to the pool, take a shower and lead your usual lifestyle without any restrictions. Contraindications to the use of elastic patches are certain diseases, individual intolerance to the components in the tape, and skin problems. These are dermatological infections, wounds, scratches, and other injuries.

What tapes are needed for lymphatic drainage application

Effective fat burning is provided by high-quality Korean BBTape patches, which are available in several versions. The first is standard wide tapes. To apply a lymphatic drainage application, they must be cut into strips to obtain a noodle-like shape. A more convenient solution is pre-cut or perforated kinesio tapes, which are specially designed for lymphatic correction and have a pronounced effect when used in any area – abdomen, buttocks, thighs, or other problem areas.

How to properly apply kinesio tapes

Fat burning is ensured by lymphatic drainage applications, which are recommended to be applied strictly according to a certain pattern. The choice depends on the area of ​​application – which area needs to be stimulated with kinesio tapes to accelerate natural processes. For examples of popular regimens that provide lipolytic and other effects, see below with descriptions and photos.

Lymphatic drainage application for the abdomen with BB LYMPH TAPE™ tapes

The abdominal area is one of the most problematic in terms of weight loss issues. In this area, a significant accumulation of subcutaneous fat is due to certain features associated with the mechanisms of fat breakdown. In the lower abdomen, alpha-2 receptors predominate, which promote the accumulation of adipose tissue by inhibiting lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fats. Metabolism in this zone occurs more slowly and additional measures are required to stimulate this process. Lymphatic drainage applications help improve microcirculation.


  1. For application you need 4 strips of BB LYMPH TAPE™ 7.5 cm wide;
  2. The length of the first two strips, each of which is glued on the left and right sides of the navel parallel to each other, is determined by the distance from the point where the xiphoid process is located to the pelvic line;
  3. The other two strips have a length equal to the distance from the lateral side of the lower ribs to the pelvic line;
  4. Place the anchors of the first 2 strips of tape in the lower abdomen and stick without tension;
  5. The anchors of the other 2 strips also need to be glued without tension, but not parallel, but diagonally.

Lymphatic drainage taping of the abdomen with standard tapes

  1. To apply the application you will need standard kinesio tape 10 cm wide;
  2. The tape, which is approximately 1 meter long, must be cut into thin strips;
  3. The anchor of the patch is glued without tension at the point where the xiphoid process is located;
  4. The rays of the tape are directed to the inguinal lymph nodes.

Lymphatic drainage application for buttocks

  1. It is necessary to prepare 4 strips of BB LYMPH TAPE™ 7.5 cm wide;
  2. The length of each is determined by measuring the distance from the lateral line of the thigh to the line of the intergluteal space;
  3. Tapes are applied in this area without tension.
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